Saturday, January 31, 2009


Boy this has been one windy cold front passage. Glad we weathered it here in Hopetown. Incidental radio chatter from Marsh Harbour had the winds at 30 kts this morning there but we had 18 – 22 with gusts to 28 here. On the BASRA weather net this morning, Capricious up in White Sound GTC reported 30 boats on anchor there (which is a lot!!) and a wild night but no details. Boats have been known to drag there especially when crowded.

Everyone seems to have stayed put here but the swinging is close… It blew 20 Plus most of the day. My wind generator was enjoying and outputting 20 – 25 amps until it overheated and went into free run mode – quite scary and a bit dangerous to get back under control. After it cooled down I would run it on for 20 minutes then off for 30 till the winds dropped to 20 kts or a bit less.

It is still very breezy here this afternoon and little boat traffic. The Water taxis are having a real problem at the docks but fortunately there have only been a couple today.

This is the downside to the Bahamas in the Winter. We are still in shirt sleeves thanks to our full enclosure and the high today was only 63 degrees -- 59 was the low this morning. Should be backup to 69 for a high tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be a nice day but another cold front – possible stronger comes in Monday with another on Wednesday. Now Chris said yesterday after that pone we should have nice conditions through the middle of February.

Today was spent for the most part enjoying the full enclosure and reading. I finished the last of my Clive Cussler books – Trojan Odyssey and started on some real stuff. I very informative book called “The Great Influenza” -- Pandemic of 1918 by John M Barry. I’m about 100 pages into it and it is great. The first 100 pages describes the state of Medicine in the USA in the 1800s and how we were the worst in medicine of all the developed countrys back then. Then John Hopkins came along and changed all that. It was their program that trained the medical minds that allowed us to combat the influenza outbreak back then. Very interesting.

He spends a lot of time talking about the politics, and economy, and the drivers of medicine back then. Certainly a period in US medical history that should best be forgotten. The medical schools prior to the 1890s were turning out doctors that have never been in a hospitable, seen a cadaver, or even a patient. There first patient was their first real experience!!

WOW we have come a long way since then.

Not much else to report.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i would say that i too read the John Barry Book the great Influenza and he doesn't know that he gave much needed information of john D. Rockefeller bieng the Father of Harmaceutical medicine. Don't stop reading you will see how the 1918 Spanish Flu should have been called the American Flu as we made that here in America with our black medisin mad scientists passing typhus through pigs then chickens and then into humans, and read that President Woodrow Wilson, he was mentally affected from the 1918 Flu and becasue of this, the earth was tilled for the rise of Adloph hitler.....too bad the book The Horrors of vaccination Exposed and Illustrated by Chas Higgins, didn't make it into Woodrow Wilsons hands prior to his sailing to Versailles for the Peace treaty Talks. read the book Vaccine A by gary matsumuto also and those 3 books before reading on line the book The Bird Flu, A virus of our own thing is clear medisin never had the answers, they made the problems and they will also be responsible for the unleashing of another pandemic one of their own making.......and still vaccines and still medical care doesn't have the answers (not harmaceutical medicine of the west anyway. Have yo u read Three moons and an ocean? my personal fiend Bernie on his sail around the world, enjoy and don't let anyone shoot you in the arm.