Monday, April 24, 2017

Crying Uncle and another INTERMISSION!

Ohhh man I come to you all with a heavy heart tonight. Our weather window has not appeared yet and it will be at least another 2 weeks before one might appear. Several folks we know took the marginal weather windows recently that we passed on and they had an uncomfortable time. All made it but it was no fun for them. Unfortunately our patience and needs are not limitless so we are going to have to put the boat up again (this time at the Green Turtle Club) and travel back to the homestead via American Airlines. Fortunately we are not traveling with a stroller so should be okay. Hey I wonder what all those "Sky Marshalls" are doing on these planes that we as tax payers are paying for. Couldn't they intervene if an air rage instance goes to fista cuffs??

The forecast weather for Saturday and yesterday was bad. It turned out WORSE. Last evening we had a wind average in the 30s with gusts in the low 40s. This morning we saw 2 anchored boats up against some docks and 2 others all twisted together and trying to untangle their anchor lines. I wonder if others broke loose last night and were able to reset themselves. It was comfortable here at the dock and we even turned on the AC so we didn't have to listen to the wind whistling.

Well back to the unpleasant intermission. Tomorrow we are taking a ferry to Treasure Cay then a LONG Cab ride to Marsh harbour to catch a plane. We will go through Miami this time then onto RDU. Airport/plane time is 5 hours but 3 hours of ferry, taxi, and check in. What else would be doing tomorrow eh?

I'm not happy about this but I am looking forward to coming back in early June and taking the boat back across to the USA. We have never been here that late and it will be an adventure to enjoy really mild conditions and lots of heat. Hey cooling off is just a dip over the railing! Hey maybe when I return Karen can stay home and one of my old sailing buddies can come over and we can take one of those marginal weather windows and make BIG tracks home. Otherwise it will be the comfortable baby steps back.

Over the rail cooling - well yes and no. Saturday a sport fishing boat came in and they cleaned their fish at the head of the dock. Ohhh Man we had 3 Nurse sharks come in and one was at least 5 feet long and there was a 5 foot manta ray swimming with them and a couple of barracudas. Ohhh man it was just 3 weeks ago I dove here on the bottom of my boat and cleaned it. I looked for fish but saw none. I would have been quite uptight if one of these babies had showed up.

Well the weather looks good for flying tomorrow so hopefully it will be a good trip.

Right now it looks like intermission will be over around June 5th and then we will bring Temptation home.