Sunday, July 16, 2017


Yep we be outsiders. Yesterday we ran inside from Beach Marine marina to Cumberland Island where we anchored for the night. We tried to buy fuel in Fernandina but the gas dock there is still out of order since hurricane Matthew last October! Damn we need to modify the plan. After a discussion we decided we had enough fuel on board to run outside to Charleston, SC the next day.

It was a pleasant evening at Cumberland then early in the morning - first light- we left out the L O N G St Marys inlet and headed for Charleston. Conditions were pretty good although we did have some roll. Later the wind piped up to 10 - 15 and we had a lot of roll. We reached the Sea Buoy at Savannah River just after dark. Man it was busy with anchored boats and 4 going in and one out. These are not small boats but large 500+ freighters and container ships. The one coming out was headed for us. I checked his name on AIS and he hadn't seen us yet, We negoitiated that he would pass my stern -- all is well now.

We just headed for Charleston in this rolly motion all night. Wasn't dangerous but very uncomfortable however we knew we were shaving 6 days off a passage up the ICW and numerous white knuckle shallow areas.

Wayne and Jill were able to get some sleep but I was up all night with just 4 - 20 minute cat naps. I took an hour nap after tying up this morning and will get the rest tonight.

The mega docks are not so great anymore. It was not crowded but it took 20 minutes to get a dock hand to catch our lines for a transient slip. With lots of rain expected this afternoon and tomorrow we will spend a couple of days here then it is back to heading to New Bern.

Ohhh I feel good to be bypassing all of Georgia and southern South Carolina. Man the ICW is very poor in those areas as well as several areas in NC.