How does one even begin such a distressing job?? Well you just dig in -- oops bad pun there.
I had a leisurely breakfast and read some maintenance stuff about my transmission -- need to change the oil there soon, and just fussed around delaying the inevitable. I listened to Chris Parker and he had good news for us -- Tropical storm Hanna-- soon to be a hurricane does not look like it will threaten us.
I got the tools out and prepared the work area. Loosened all hose clamps and now it was time to start pulling the old hoses off the fittings -- this is where it gets real messy and stinky. Ahh I need to take a walk first.
It was a little before 8am and I was walking the docks when I ran into Cory and Dale -- they were headed to Oriental for a flea market. Hmmm would you mind giving me a ride to Minnesott ? No problem but hurry so we can catch the Ferry.
Ahh this worked out great. I could get my truck back and not bother anyone else for a ride.
While over there I went to Oriental to visit Ralph who is on the hard. His boat is looking very nice. Everyone getting ready to head South!!
Well it was time to face the music and back to Temptation. I arrived and just started around 10am. The start was not too bad. Not too much liquids and I was much better and quicker and containing it. Still when I pulled the Holding tank hose of the diverter valve I got a partial drenching of the nasty stuff.
I had all the old hoses off and cut by noon. I had to have a beer then to quiet my stomach though -- that odor just knots my stomach up.
After lunch I proceeded to install the new hoses and diverter valve. It went smoothly but took a lot of hard pulling and pushing to route the new hoses and clamp everything. Ohh did I mention that6 the door entrance below the bathroom sink where all the connections are made is only 5 inches wide!!
Had it all connected by 3pm. Ohhh yeah to get better access I had to remove one cold water supply line and the sink drain hose and then reinstall.
Things didn't get interesting till I cleaned up. I hosed down the head floor pan and the shower floor pan and then turned on the shower sump pump to drain all the nasty water out. Uh Oh -- she no run!!! Damn and I have all this nasty water to get rid of. Ohh well settle down and troubleshoot the pump. Ahhh the switch is missing a ground wire.. Hooked it up -- still no pump Grrrrr. Troubleshoot again. Hmmm four wires go up towards the switch but only 3 attached. I fish in the wall again -- Ahh another ground wire -- now the pump sucks.
I'm on a roll now. I go to the forward head to clean that head floor pan. I scrub it with soft scrub then go to run the sump pump and hey where did it go?? Drained away without the pump!! I investigate. Ohhh the shower floor pan is connected to the sump pump. The head floor pan just drains to the bilge -- ohh yuck... Well learned something new.
Now it was time for a shower and relax.. Cooking a T-bone on the grill tonight and going to bed early!!
Here is a picture of the old and new sanitation hose: