Saturday, November 19, 2016

Ahhh Success!

This morning with a little trepidation I tested my new inverter. Yippeeee -- worked fine out of the box. A big plus is that my GFI outlets work fine with this inverter. I've heard horror stories where the downstream GFI outlets trip the inverter's GFI circuit. Mine is working fine.

The morning went okay with a trip to the Publix via the bus. The bus is always an adventure. We arrived at the dinghy dock and had just tied up the dinghy. We hustled up to the bus stop and as it approached I waved and it just went right on by!! We had to run down to the next stop to catch it. A running 66 year old man is not a pretty thing. I climbed on and I asked the driver if she still stopped at the first stop. She said yes and then said I thought you were just waving a greeting!!

The visit to Publix went well as well as a short visit to West marine. They had screwed up an order that I was supposed to pickup in Charleston and I had them send it to this store in Vero. When I stopped in on Thursday they had the inverter but no knowledge of the other order. Today as I was checking out a couple of small items when they ran my member number the guy says "Oh I have something for you but didn't know how to get a hold of you". It was that other order so now everything is copacetic. Just some more stuff to install or replace.

What with the mess from the other day's pump out fiasco Our main tank was down to only 10 gallons of water. Still had 80 in the backup tank but I wanted to fill the main tank so I made 5 trips to the "water dock" in the dinghy and filled my 18 gallons in 3 jugs and brought back to the boat and pumped into the tank. I used to haul the jerry jugs up by hand and pour them in but the last time we were here I pulled a muscle in my back and hurt seriously for a week. I've built a small portable pump and I pump it from the dinghy into the tank without having to lift a heavy tank.

Follow the old adage. As you get older work smarter not harder.

Vic and Gigi arrived today and we are gather on the vessel Cookie Monster tonight for a little social. This is what it is all about when cruising.

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