Thursday, November 17, 2016

Snake in Paradise

Ahhh to be in Vero Beach.. I like it!! However a little less tonight.

I had signed up yesterday to have the holding tanks pumped out by their pump out boat. Now last time we were here we were at the most extreme -distant- mooring ball from the dock. Well that pump out boat always started from the south and worked north and we were the last boat done. Now we are in the South field and very near the beginning. You know it -- we were the second to last boat to be pumped out today. This is aggravating because they won't pump if no one is aboard so you spend the entire afternoon waiting. It wasn't too bad today because I started the install of the new Inverter and had to remove the old one which took about 4 hours. See Believe it or not I don't have the flexibility of a 14 year old gymnast anymore -- actually never did. It takes time to twist into the tight area under the navigation desk and then back out.

Well the old is out and new won't fit the old foot print so Have to relocate it and adjust all the wiring accordingly. Not a huge task but time consuming.

Ohhh the "snakes in paradise"? When he handed me the pump out nozzle he didn't caution me to open the valve slow. The first time I operated it a little bit leaked out. When I asked if it was done he said to stop it and open the valve again. When I did that it sprayed pump out stuff all over me and in my face. YUCK! That is way this post is so late today.. Had to take an EMERGENCY shower and then clean up the boat from a bucket -- remember we are on a mooring -- no hose connection.

The other snake is they changed the bus schedule then changed it again today so no one knew when they were coming and going. You just had to wait. We still made it to Publix and back with way too many goodies. Remember you have to carry and walk everything!

Oh well we will adapt.

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