Monday, November 21, 2016

Boring Boring

Well the "Velcro Beach" has taken control so the days are going to be boring a while -- thus I probably won't post every day for a while.

Yesterday was just shopping for groceries, Getting my scuba tank filled, and a little West marine action. A great big thanks go out to John and Madeline on Chanceaux for giving us the transportation in their rental car for those activities.

We visited on the vessel YoLo yesterday afternoon - evening with Steve and Molly. YoLo stands for "You Only Live Once". They are big friends with "Cookie Monster".

Today was a work day. Karen went off with some women she met last night with a girls day out -- Walmart, Walgreens, lunch, etc.

I changed the main engine's fuel filter and oil, and oil filter, and was going to change the Seawater impeller but ended up just inspecting it -- no cracks -- and replaced the o-ring seal. Doesn't sound like much but it was a lot of work and I didn't have any difficulties other than no matter what preparations you make it is ALWAYS a messy job.

We had to untangle our lines from the mooring ball which proved difficult and I have a couple of cuts from the barnacles under the ball, and Cookie Monster had a friends Catamaran raft up to them and helped handle the dock lines. We are now three vessels on the one ball. Vic called and a friend of theirs was coming in to an unattended boat and they asked that I help with the lines since they were still out at the grocery. No problem.

We expect just a relaxing evening and no visiting tonight. We are whipped and bored.

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