Friday, November 21, 2014

Life in Paradise - sort of

Ahhh slept well last night. Today we ride the bus to Publics Grocery. Not that we really need much but just to do some impulse food buying.

The dinghy dock is PACKED. Not too unusual but many dingiest are not tied up well -- painters too short for so many dinghies. We land and walk to the bus stop -- first ones there. Then some more folks come but there is no establish queue here so they maneuver to try to be the first ones aboard. All the folks that show up -- do. I haven't seen that aggressive waiting before here -- just a new crop of cruisers and I think most are from parts far north like VA, PA, MI, NY. Little manners displayed from there. Can't seem to turn that competitiveness off.

Great shopping experience as usual. We then look for the bus stop -- it's not right out front anymore. We have to go to the highway. Hmmm bus probably wont be here for another 40 minutes. Looked like we missed it by only 5 minutes. We will understand this schedule shortly.

Rather than wait we cross the street and catch the bus on its outward trip to the hub. It is different -- just an abandoned rode at the airport. Everyone has to get off and wait for all the busses to arrive and then get back on. BAck to the marina uneventfully.

After lunch I take my back to shore and put it together. I'm cautioned to be sure to lock it up since a passer by tells me his bike was stolen last week from here.

A trip to the hardware store and 7-11. Perfect afternoon for a six mile bike trip -- much further than I expected.

BAck on the boat to relax and then we have a social planning session on Victoria Gaye to plan our joint Thanksgiving Celebration on Salty Turtle next Thursday.

It was fun and Vickie served her dynamite corn dip -- sounds plan but it is not -- Great.

BAck on Temptation for a very light dinner and end to an enjoyable day here at Vero BEach Marina.

Tomorrow's forecast is for rain and thunderstorms so probably won't leave the boat tomorrow. That's okay.

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