Saturday, November 15, 2014

A fine ride today

It was time to be moving on this morning. The goal was Rockhouse Creek just south of Daytona about 39 miles.

WE had a great ride today. The current was with us and the wind was behind us and running between 10 and 18kts. Perfect for motor sailing. We probably averaged 7.0 kts but at times we had long runs at 7.3 and 7.5. Just blasted through Daytona.

We were the first boat to anchor here today in Rockhouse. It was only 1:15pm and we could have gone on but I was tired -- probably from that Tetanus shot yesterday. Fortunately no fever or sore arm.

We are just going to relax today and then push hard tomorrow. A major weather system comes in on Monday and will leave us in rain and cold and high winds Tuesday and Wednesday. I want to get behind Dragon point near Melbourne as early as possible Monday. Thus we will probably just bypass Titusville tomorrow and push on for another maybe 15 miles. That would leave just 21 miles on Monday.

The weather is what it is about. You can't just ignore it because it has a major impact on your safety, comfort, and ability to move around.

We had another fine night of Farkle. Damn if Karen didn't will all the games again. She was unbeatable. I had some great scores but couldn't pull a win out. Vickie played one game and had a great time. More Farkle in her life down the road.

Tonight will be a quiet night. Early to bed and early to rise. There may be some storms this evening but clearing after midnight with a light air day tomorrow. Hopefully we can make a lot of miles tomorrow.

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