Thursday, November 13, 2014

Charwoman's work

Today was a chore day. Cruisers are a laid back lot but not when it comes to Laundry. Then they are "CUT THROAT".

This morning about 6:20am I was at the laundry and had beat all the early birds. Three loads started with just 2 machines available. It went well and actually no one came and challenged me but then I never let a machine sit idle.

The ladies Karen, Barb, and Vickie all caught the cab to the grocery. Oh yes Jim joined them but no room for me. I stayed behind with Buck and we cleaned our boats. They hadn't seen soap and water in a month and really needed it.

Boats cleaned up nice, laundry was done, and fresh provisions returned by noon. Not a bad morning.

The afternoon was somewhat laid back with me reading and even took a short nap. Karen got her bike out and went on a 4 mile ride with Jim and Barb. I was invited but didn't go.

I'm re-reading the book "WANDERER" by Sterling Hayden. Written in 1959 but much of his observations are still true today e.g. "What does a man need --really need. A few pounds of food each day, heat and shelter, six feet to lie down in -- and some sense of accomplishment. That's all -- in the material sense. And we know it. But we are brainwashed by our economic system until we end up in a tomb beneath a pyramid of time payments, mortgages, preposterous gadgetry, playthings that divert our attention from the sheer idiocy of the charade."

Remember this was 1959!

Ahh can be a tough read at times but also full of romance about the sea and voyaging.

Now on a lighter note since we are tied to the docks here at PAlm Coast MArina the Farkle will begin again. In fact we have Farkle "virgins" joining us tonight. Buck and Vickie have never played before.

I hope Barb and I can be at least civil tonight and not turn them off. We are cut throat Farkle players

Wish me luck.

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