Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sea Glass Hunting on Lynyard Cay

Good news today - Karen's foot is much improved. Apparently shaking a leg at the Barefoot Man concert was good for her foot.

A long travel day by Abaco standards - 25 nm from Great Guana Cay to Lynyard Cay. Karen wants more Sea Glass and Jill and Wayne on Born to cruise offered to show us the "good stuff", and they did - we found a bunch!!

The trip down was okay - left Great Guana around 9 am then 7 nm of on the nose motoring then we motor sailed down to the Pelican Cays, then pulled in the sail and motored across the north bar - pretty rolly with 4 - 5 foot rollers but it was only about 2 miles.

Anchored easily at Lynyard just off the sailors signing beach (a place where flotsam and jetsam is hung in a tree with the sailor's names and boat name and date signed on the piece. We have one hanging there from a previous trip.

No internet connection down here so it will be a couple of days before we get one - probably Monday. If you need to contact me use the SSB Radio email address -

There are actually about 10 boats strung along the Cay this afternoon - thought we would have it all to ourselves.. Ohh well plenty of room.

Should be a great night with a ¾ moon and clear skies and NO light pollution. Just need to get to bed earlier. Jill and Wayne had us up till nearly 10:30pm playing Farkle and Mexican Train Dominoes - p

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