Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Slow Running!!

WOW it has already been a month since we left Matthews Point. Boy time flies.

Oh -- last night on my way back from the showers I met Jeff and Brenda from Silver. They had just arrived and were going to spend 2 nights in Fernandina Beach. Now where is Dan on Marianne Claire??

Ohhhh a L O N G day. Not in miles but in speed (lack of) and time. The current between St Mary’s River and St John’s river and for about 10 miles beyond is HUGE!!. We averaged less than 5 knots today. Going through a couple of bridges on the South Side of St John’s we had SOG less than 3 kts!! It was torturous. I should have got a few pictures of the current under two bridges. It was so strong that there was actually turbulence in the water. It took both hands on the wheel to get through those areas and I did apply the “Turbo” power a couple of times.

The whole day has been tough. I slept “wrong” last night and my back hurt this morning. Then when we left the dock the exit was not quite as planned. Always an embarrassment.

I asked a dock hand to come and help us away. There was a slight forward current which is good but the wind was setting us against the dock and the current. I explained I wanted to take the stern line off last so that the rear of the boat would swing out away from the dock and the wind would catch it and I would just back up and then forward.

Well She pulled the line off as directed the stern did not swing out. I gave it some reverse and held the helm over and the boat backed and brought the bow out away from the dock – hmmm that will work so I just motored away. Only I and the dock girl knew this wasn’t the way it was supposed to work but it did..

The rest of the day from 8pm till 4pm was just a long motor. The wind was blowing hard from the NE at 15 – 20 with gusts to 25 but all was aft. It helped but the current killed us. We left 2 hours before low tide and arrived at 1 hour after low tide here. What a catawampus day. Fortunately we are less than 20 miles to St Augustine and should have a nice run in the m morning with less wind. I did not want to be in that anchorage with 20 –25 kt winds – quite exposed. Tomorrow will be less wind.

This anchorage is new to me. There was already a trawler sitting in the sweet spot when we got here and a sailboat in the second choice – damn!! I surveyed a bit and anchored between the trawler and the green mark – mouth of the creek. It seems okay here but the wind and current are opposing and I’m sitting forward against my anchor rode. Fells very odd but we do not seem to be moving. I’ll feel better in a couple of hours if we maintain this position. Going to be a light sleeping night I’m afraid.

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