Sunday, November 9, 2008

Just Sitting on the Dock

Sitting on the Dock in Fernandina.

It was time for laundry and LARGE HOT Showers and a good Battery Charge, so we came into Fernandina and took a spot on the transient dock. Karen and Kourtney want to do some shopping and browsing.

Once showers were had they took off and I remained to clean the boat and watch for and aft for other boats that might dock while we are here. This is a tricky place to tie up. The current can run 5 – 6 knots through here. That is very strong and bad things can happen quickly. I timed our arrival today with slack tide and thus my landing was fairly easy. Want to keep a wary eye on other boat’s docking abilities.

The weather is nice but much stronger wind than predicted. It’s blowing 15 – 20 this afternoon. This is what Chris Parker alluded to in his report this morning and differs from the official NOAA forecast of 5 –10. How do they get it wrong so often??

Plans are just to hang at the dock and let Kourtney come and go as she pleases. I’m not a shopper but I can use the break from anchor watch. I found some more Clive Cussler and it reads great on the boat. I find his novels difficult to read at home but when sitting on anchor or the dock they read just fine.

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