Friday, October 24, 2008

Why Mutiny??

Why do crew mutiny?? Maybe when the captain says “Swab the decks in a rain storm!”.
It’s a nasty afternoon here in Charleston. We have had heavy rain since morning, the wind is blowing between 20 and 27 MPH and the direction is now ESE which is a BAD direction. No shelter from this direction and thus the boat is quite lively here. Not for the uninitiated I assure you.

Ohh the crewman in the picture – he has been out there for hours today. I can’t explain it but he doesn’t seem too concerned.

It has been a good day to spend on the free WiFi here and just surf the internet and tie up loose ends in business matters.

Still I took time to do some pesky chores like cleaning the shower drains and sump filters – no crew to order about on this boat!! We have some lighting strips in the galley that have been intermittent – flickering – so I cleaned some contacts and reinstalled. Then a good afternoon for the ultimate luxury – a nap!!

I was also playing with some figures for the statistically inclined:

When we arrived yesterday I fueled the boat. It took on only 43 gallons -- by my calculation I thought it would take 60 – 65 gallons so I was surprised.
My burn rate by the previous owner was 1.4 gallon per hour. I have run for 59.5 hours and 7 hours on the genset for a total of 59.5 hours. That puts my consumption at 0.72 gallons per hour.. Not bad but clearly I have not loaded the engine down much.

We have traveled 293.0 miles or 6.8 mi/gal.
Also that put the average speed at 5.5 mi/hr. I’ll push harder on the next leg just to how the boat behaves not that I’m in any hurry.

Looks like the adjustable prop needs another adjustment. Possibly when I’m in the gin clear waters of the Bahamas and an area with no current I’ll disassemble the prop under water and adjust it – good thing I brought the scuba gear.

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