Tuesday, September 4, 2007

AUGUST 11, 2007 ---- It’s Like ”the Old Woman who lived in a Shoe”

Making the boat ready for travel at the Marina Slip

WOW lots to do today and it is just so crowded with all the people and stuff to put away!!

We brought more stuff from the truck to the boat. Al and Maggie showed up at 9am sharp. Al went over all the major systems with me and pointed out all the spare equipment that was being left aboard -- that would mean more later. Al and Maggie left a few hours later and Maggie was shedding a few tears – she really loved this boat.

I removed the Loran unit from the instrument pod and installed my handheld Garmin 48 in its place. I then wired it to ships power and installed a DB9 RS232 cable at the Nav bench so it would talk to both the Notebook PC and the SSB once it is installed. This went well enough and tested ok the first time.

I looked at installing the SSB and data modem but it was a daunting task on this boat. No obvious runs for the wiring or place to install the antenna tuner. I did install the SSB base unit to the floor of the Nav station.

Karen, Kourtney, and Stephen made a provisioning run for the items on the list we created yesterday in the truck on the way down. After stowing everything for the most part we all went out to dinner at a nearby Italian Restaurant – very good.

Oh before dinner we tried taking showers but the fresh water system would have none of it. It kept losing its prime and thus low water pressure. I had to constantly bleed and fuss with it while each person took a shower. They tried to do the same for me but I went to dinner with a bit of soap still on me. This water system would continue to dog us every day!!

This got to be real annoying so I called Al to ask what is the secret to get the system to behave. He said he had noticed an intermittent problem with it and thought it was a weak pump. He reminded me of the new pump on board and suggested I change it.
This was a tough day. I got some things accomplished but nearly what I had hoped for. Too many distractions and too crowded. Oh well --- got to get moving…

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