Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a pretty easy day today. We were down to 15 gallons of water in my 80 gallon tank so I took the dinghy to the dock and filled the 6 gallon Jerry cans up and brought it back. I have 3 jugs so 3 trips made it 54 gallons.

This afternoon was the BIG Thanksgiving feast/potluck at the park pavilion here. Cruisers bring something to share and the CLODs bring the Turkeys and ham. CLODs are Cruisers living On Dirt now. It is all volunteer and they really make the feast happen.

It was a great turnout, met some new people and I'm still stuffed. The only things missing were no mashed potatoes or Pecan Pie!! I've got to have a Pecan pie so I'm heading to the Publix tomorrow to get one. A man has got to have goals, then my feast will be complete.

Hey that is all I have on the agenda for tomorrow. Love this Velcro Beach.

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