Sunday, November 27, 2016

lazy days

Not much happening. Just some chores yesterday and today. Clean clean clean.

Yesterday we pulled the dinghy on deck and repaired the hole in the bow tube. I got the idea to use the 1.5" split to work a patch inside and first patch the hole from the inside. What a great idea I thought. Well the execution was tough. I thought that if some this glue gets beyond a patch then the tubes might stick together. So I thought I would put a piece of wax paper in first to rest the patch on. That didn't work -- the wax paper disappeared into the nether regions. I then marked the patch so I could center it once inside -- it too disappeared into the nether regions. I then made a new patch and put some double stick tape on its back and fixed it to the other tube inside. That seemed to work but the positioning might be a bit questionable. I then put a big patch on the outside using this HIGH Dollar Hypolan glue from West Marine -- $50 for 4 oz! The directions say it needs 48 hours to cure so the boat is still on the deck until tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the test to see if I was successful or not.

Today just cleaning bathrooms and then John on Chanceaux came over and said his battery charger failed. He went and bought a new one at West Marine and I helped him install it this afternoon. The installation went well and his batteries are charging again.

Not much planned for tomorrow -- depends on whether the dinghy will hold air or not. Grrrr -- it will be a week tomorrow since the accident.

There appears to be a crossing opportunity coming up on Thursday Friday this week so we will stay here till at least Wednesday and head to Lake Worth then if the opportunity still looks good. Otherwise Velcro Beach is a GREAT place to wait for that window to open.

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