Friday, February 6, 2009

Still Groov'in in Hope Town

What a wuss!! Yep that’s me. It was very cool (I know better than to say cold to my audience), overcast, and windy this morning. To get out of here on the tide we needed to leave by 8am. Sooo another day spent in Hope Town.

We put it to good use. Karen baked a couple of loaves of bread and I got the fixings to make Bahamian Chicken Souse for dinner tonight.

After lunch we went to the Wyannie Malone Museum here. It was very cool. Unfortunately the 20 minute movie on DVD did not work so we couldn’t see it. The displays were very tasteful, neat, and informative. You get a real glimpse of life here in Hope Town in yesteryear.

Now on the flip side they had several pieces of space shuttle debris collected from the beach in 1995. They didn’t say which shuttle but I suspect it was the Challenger disaster in I think 1986. The Columbia was 2003 so I don’t know of another.. It was definitely spacecraft parts. Really kind of eerie seeing these in a historical museum.

If you get a chance I would recommend a visit to the museum.

Mmmmm I think my Chicken Souse is ready so time to eat.. enjoy the pics -- hey I want one of those sponger’s hats.

1 comment:

catsmeow said...

Looks like the tables have turned. They say we should see 50 degrees tomorrow (Saturday) and 60 plus degrees by Tuesday. I expect it to be shock to the system considering it was -1 when I left for work this morning. Tonight it is 40 degrees and it feels like a heatwave. I know it is not as good as your weather, but I will take it for February.