Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I opened my first coconut today. It was not pretty.. Fortunately I did not hurt myself although the potential was there..

Ian and Sharon came by early this afternoon and Sharon mentioned that she had found a coconut that she wanted to open later today. I told her I had bought a machete for that purpose but had not tried it yet and I would be happy to try and open her coconut. It was not pretty. The first blow bounced off the husk. The second missed the first whack area by a good inch. Then the jokes came about how lightning never hits twice in the same spot. Well I wailed away and slowly loosened the husk but no nut was yet visible when they asked that I stop and they would finish the job with a hammer and screwdriver. Grrrr.

Well I have 2 husks I have been saving so I wailed away on one of mine. Not pretty. The I busted the nut and lost the juice. Grrrr. Well then 2 full strength blows had the husk and nut in two halves. Hmmm I wonder how the store is able to just offer the nuts??? Mine would not come out of the husk.

Well not to be deterred I hacked the meat out of the 2 halves with a paring knife – again not pretty. I apparently have a lot to learn about opening coconuts. However – the meat was delicious.

I spent the day working on the boat some more. I have a new patch applied to the dinghy and replaced an oar holder and installed a mounting base to the bow for attaching a red/green navigation light which is required in Florida but no where else when running at night.

We did a provisioning run to the grocery and drug store and did a couple of loads of laundry. I went next dolor to Harbor View Marina and filled my diesel deck cans (12 gallons) and topped off the dinghy gas. We are ready to leave in the morning and enjoy life on the hook again. Life is better on the hook rather than the marina.

The air is better, it is not as noisy, and the SSB works a lot better. A lot of static on the radio when in a marina and the WiFi is better on the hook.

Tentative plans are to head to Great Guana Cay tomorrow for the Wednesday Cruisers pot luck dinner there, then down to Lynyard Cay Thursday or Friday to do some sea glass hunting on the ocean side beach. Possibly Born to Cruise and Celtic Cross will accompany us to either one or both places.

Hmmm might find another coconut to open too!!

Sorry – again lousy Internet connection so no pics tonight.

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