Saturday, April 11, 2015

Back in the good Old USA

Ahhh we made it back to Florida this evening.

We left Old Bahama bay this morning around 6:30am. Looked great -- no wind and an easy exit.

Forecast was 5-10 lnots and flat seas -- a motoring day.

Once outside a little 8 kt wind from the SE just enough to fill a sail and settle the rolling from a SE swell.

Good for a mile then the wind piped up to 15 - 17 kts and put some uncomfortable waves on us and caused us to roll -- worst motion. Although we had a BIG flood current sweeping off the banks and we hit 9 kts for awhile. Unfortunately it was rough for about 15 miles then settled down and we had a great motor sail till about 1 miles off of Florida.

Unfortunately I didn't plan on the strongest current in the western third of the gulf stream and we were "swept" above our rumb line and had to fight the current back. NOAA had the western wall of the gulf stream at 7 miles off of Lake Worth, The NOAA RAdio WX had it at 4 miles off. We had it all the way to the inlet -- make that the BEACH. The last 9 miles took 2 and half hours!

We are whipped and hot and storms expected tonight so we followed Victoria Gaye -- our favorite buddy boat -- and Smiles into the Old Port Cove Marina. The AC is on HIGH tonight. Karen is non stop on the phone tonight. I hope she doesn't keep folks up too late tonight.

Tomorrow we check in with customs and do a little grocery shopping. Ohhh I'm looking forward to shopping at the Publixs here.

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