Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A new Farkle Queen is Crowned

Last night Buck and Vickie came over to play some Farkle. Vickie is a newbie and Buck has never played (very newbie). We played 3 games. Karen easily won the first game then Vickie made some great moves and won the other 2 games. Clearly she is the new Farkle Queen. Barb and Dovie now have a challenger. Hopefully we can get together soon and see who really is the Farkle Queen -- sort of like a Super Bowl or Super Farkle playoff.

This weekend is forecast to have some inclement weather and maybe we can have a PLAYOFF!!

Today I went to the skippers meeting of the Hopetown sailing club to see what was going on for their big race today. Not much happening at the skippers meeting but lots of boats turned out for the race and they had a great party afterwards. Their pride and joy the ABACO RAGE sailed into the harbour and around this afternoon and it looked great.. We didn't go to the party but we could here the wild goings on from the Harbour.

This afternoon we went up into the lighthouse and got some great pictures of the area. It is always a treat to climb the lighthouse here. You just go in and climb. No imposing guards or folks telling what you can or cannot do you just go and enjoy. Something you could never do in the USA!

Afterwards Karen said she needed a beach fix -- short for "I need to hunt sea glass". I took here in but didn't want to walk the beach today. So back on the boat for me to hard boil some eggs and read -- tough afternoon. She came back over an hour later and she had quite the haul of sea glass. She said she found more to day than all the other days this trip combined. She was a happy happy person.

Tonight just a simple crab cake dinner aboard and time to enjoy a lovely night. Ohh, did I say the high today was 76 degrees and the low tonight will be 70?? That's why we are here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Enjoy keeping up with you guys. Enjoy because the weather back home is not the best.