Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Great Crossing to the Bahamas

WOW we made it and in one piece with no equipment failure. This is a tough crossing when you do it in one day what many take 3 days to do. We left Lake Worth Inlet in Palm Beach Florida at 7:30am, found the Gulf Stream very mild and made it across to the Little Bahama Banks by 5pm. Got to see the ground come up in daylight.

We just carried on and crossed all the banks in the dark. No moon till 1:15am and it was small. We had very gentle conditions on the banks and used AIS and radar to navigate through the boat traffic and some rocky areas like "Barracuda Rock Channel". Lots of boats had stopped at Great Sale Cay and Mangrove Cay for the night but we just carried on. You have to trust your instrumentation and ability to use it to do that. We had daylight just as we passed Crab Cay and entered the Sea of Abaco. We made it to Green Turtle Cay by 9am and took a slip at the Green Turtle Club. We planned to stay a few days but I can't get emails on their WiFi system so may move tomorrow.

I'd write more but I need sleep. I only had a 2 hour nap today after being up nearly 30 hours.

It's still hard to believe we finally made it here today in our boat.

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