Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Ahhh back in the saddle again

We left Vero Beach this morning. Had a long about 50 mile trip to HOBE SOUND in Jupiter Florida. It went well and fast. We left at 7:30am and had the hook down at 2:30pm. Nice timing. Only two bridge openings and they were on demand.

We have a FLOTILLA heading south. We have Bubbles, Skat, Victoria Gaye and Hi Flite (cory and dale) going with us.

It looks like a great crossing opportunity this Thursday and Friday so we are working our way down to Palm Beach -- Lake Worth Inlet to begin the crossing.

We should be in Lake Worth near Peanut Island tomorrow afternoon to stage for a Thursday morning crossing -- hopefully all the way non stop to Green Turtle cay in about 24 - 30 hours. Our good friend Mark Haskell is flying down to Palm Beach to join Jim and Barb on Skat for their crossing. Should be GREAT FUN.

Tomorrow is only an 18 mile day but 6 bridge openings. Two on demand and 4 on a schedule. That means it will take twice as long.

Once anchored in Lake Worth we will make the boats ready for the crossing. All loose stuff put away and everything else tied down. We hope to cross the Gulf Stream in daylight but run most the Little Bahama Banks at night and on instruments. It is not too terribly scary at night.

I like Vero but good gosh everyone has a Honda Generator or now and the air is filled with exhaust and noise -- not like back in 2005 when only I and few other had a generator.

Our boat Temptation has a HUGE generator built in. The 3-cylinder Yanmar that powers the 8KW Onan is bigger than the motor I had on Luna Sea where I made my first single handed crossing.

Temptation's genset will run everything at the same tine. Two heat pumps, Two battery chargers and water heater and microwave. It's BIG, but we do use it sparingly because it does like diesel -- about 1/2 gallon an hour.

Time to enjoy the sunset tonight -- hopefully Thursday night we will be enjoying BAHAMAS sunsets.

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