Saturday, November 8, 2014

Another fun day in Fernandina

We had a quiet night on the hook last night. You need those occasionally.

We went to the Farmer's Market this morning and it was nice. Lot's of fresh veggies and bakery and craft stuff. Live music and a whole menagerie of characters walking around.

A nice inexpensive day. Bought some veggies for 7 dollars, a cold water for a buck, and 16 AA Alkaline batteries for $6.95.

We just walked the town for a few hours after that.

Back on the boat to relax. Batteries were getting low so ran the genset and ran the hot water heater and we had some welcome hot showers.

It's all clouded up now with rain expected tonight. Might be over by morning. If so we will head to the Pine Island Anchorage which is a LONG 49 mile day. If we can't leave early then we will rethink our approach. This part if the ICW in Northern Florida has very few good anchorages until you get to Pine Island. Most are just wide spots behind marks or very narrow creeks. Lots of marinas if you want to pay for the night though. I don't..

Not much else to report. Just an easy fun day.

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