Sunday, October 3, 2010


What's a lay day you ask?? It is day where you just essentially lay around doing nothing all day..

Now you ask what is Nothing?? Well today it was up early about 6:30am. Check on the position of the boat, gather the weather info and decide whether to travel on or not..

Weather is looking bad.. Small Craft Advisory beginning at 11am and periods of rain and drizzle throughout the day.. Well you asked for cooler weather and you got it along with the other stuff that goes with cooler weather.

I studied the charts to see if we could still make Manteo.. Yes we can but we will have a late arrival and have to leave early the following day - Naw - don't want to do that. Washington, NC is back on the table.

We had some rain last night and nothing leaked that leaked the last time - that is good. I had a leisurely breakfast then checked into the Waterway Net and Cruizheimers Net. The SSB is working very well since I reprogrammed the antenna tuner for those freqs.

Around 9am I heard from Craig and he reported he had an off night because he was feeling poorly. Slept little but was back to bed now - It is now a LAY DAY for sure.

I read a lot today - more than 100 pages in my latest ol time cruising book by John Calder - Family at Sea.. I became industrious and tore into my binnacle compass. It has plagued me since I bought the boat. A looseness in its installation and I couldn't see how to expose the screws properly. Well I now had the time to study and I did.. Ohh the night light on it is the key to disassembly - who would have thought. I took it all apart and cleaned and polished it surfaces and then reassembled. Looks good but I need to adjust the compensators next time I'm underway in mild conditions. No mysteries here any more.

More reading, a nice lunch, more reading, ran the genset to charge batteries and heat water for showers, then a visit to the Marina to visit Vic again. Craig just rested all day.

Back on board, talked to Craig and was feeling better and ready to continue in the morning. Upped the dinghy and made ready this afternoon - a nice dinner of Tortellini soup and Garlic toast then update this log and read till bed time.

Ohh the small craft advisory never happened today. The wind generator turned over a few times in 2 gusts and that was all the wind for the day - How do they get is SO WRONG so often.

Up early and away to Campbell Creek anchorage for tomorrow night.

It's now time to LAY ABOUT some more to practice before going to bed.

Feels good actually.

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