Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Ahhh good day to be like a Pussy Cat. It was cold here this morning. Had to drag out the ol alcohol heater to take the chill off. Once the sun got up to a reasonable level (about 10:30am) the cockpit began to warm up. The Pussy Cat part – sit in the sun and nap – when did you last do that?? A real luxury especially after the tough day yesterday. We have now named the enclosure the “Green House”. Not only is the enclosure Green Sunbrella but it gets toasty warm up there with direct sunlight. We are thinking seriously of adopting a "pet plant" now.

We just hung on the hook today and relaxed reading and doing some light work. The internet connection is great here. There are some free WiFi from the adjacent houses but I’m using a Verizon Broadband Air card. I also have a TriBand Cellular antenna at the top of my 57-foot mast to give it a boost. Verizon has been great since we left Eastern NC. Verizon has VERY POOR service in Eastern North Carolina!!

I just added a couple of pictures to show the extreme tidal range here – 7.6 feet and another to give the feel of Factory Creek.

After swinging through a couple of tidal switches and the moderate winds here putting some shock load on the anchor – a 66lb Lewmar Claw (a Bruce wannabe) I declare the holding here very good.

Well time to go find some cat nip.

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