Sunday, August 17, 2008

Baptisim in CLR and Baby Oil

YUCK!! It was a nasty work day today. I tackled the head diverter valve. All you boaters know what a nasty job that can be.

In preparation of this job and in the hope that chemicals might save the day I had flushed the lines profusely with a mixture of CLR (The lime dissolver) and Baby oil.

Well it did not save the day -- the valve was stuck. SO I removed the hold down screws around the turning drum and tried to get it to come out. I pulled and pried and wiggled and repeated. I went slow because I did not want to break the $60 valve. Well it finally came but released instantly. I rolled back on my haunches grasping the handle and this column of stuff came flooding out the of the valve all over my arms and legs and the floor. My first thought was how much is there and when will it stop". Ohh it was nasty -- a mixture of CLR baby Oil and what you would expect to be in a sanitation hose -- Wow a quick mop up and a dash to the showers. Boy my stomach was tight the rest of the morning -- I should be tougher but I wasn't.
I'll spare the reader any pictures of this!

I followed this up with removing the hand pump from the main Forward head and stuffed it in a bag to take home for rebuilding. Once home it will soak in bucket of Clorox and water before I tackle it. Another big YUCK!!

I than needed some fresh air so I spent the rest of the day putting a second coat of wax on the boat.

Yesterday the main job was to remove the prop shaft coupler so I could bring the packing nut assembly home for cleaning and replace the Original equipment packing log. Last week I fought the locking nut to get it loose. I found out why it was so tight when I got it home. Look at the picture. The forward most important ring of packing is missing!! Just 2 rings of packing in the nut. I suspect they couldn't easily start the forward--- most important -- ring of packing and that is why this thing is such a water corroded mess..

I studied the rudder assembly awhile and I see where he rudder is rubbing big time against the skag. Hopefully we can just remove an 1/8" f the rudder and stop the binding.

I then worked the prop shaft coupler off by slipping a 3/4" diameter socket between the couplers, then put 3" bolts between the couplers and slowly brought them together essential pressing the prop shaft from the coupler. Time?? About 3 hours!!

I got the prop shaft log off and found it was simply 2" wet exhaust hose about 5" long. I needed a break and went to Oriental to see if I could find some 2" hose. None at the Treasury Co. and none at West Marine Express -- however I did stop at the new consignment shop there and found a very nice 45# CQR anchor. Only $300 dollars -- I brought it home. I really want a CQR for my primary anchor.

Back on the boat I put a coat of wax on it and Ralph showed up. He talked me into a trip to Oriental for dinner at the "Twin Silos". A restaurant in a converted grain silo -- really cool and good food.

Wow that was a full day.

Unfortunately the Marina had done no work on the boat this week -- I'll be calling tomorrow. I want back in the water SOON.

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