Monday, December 26, 2016

Merry Christmas

Beautiful Christmas morning in the Bahamas. Warm and breezy and not bad humidity. Hot in direct sun but very comfortable in the shade.

We had some facetime calls via WiFi with the kids and grand kids. They all are having a nice Christmas too.

We are just having a lazy day here. I put my bike away because I'm not riding it much here -- the road is too rough and I'm worried about breaking some spokes. I filled one of our water tanks for the first time since arriving. We came over with 170 gallons and I was down to about 30. Don't wait till last minute here because things happen like the Island losing power for several hours -- it happened twice today.

You have to pay for water in the Bahamas. It's pricey here at .35 cents a gallon. Fortunately the facility shower is available and we can use all the water we want there. Ohhh but laundry is expensive at $4.50 a load to wash and then again to dry.

The cruiser's had a potluck and social over at the Sundowner's bar this afternoon that began at 2pm. It was well attended, good food, and good visits. The winds were up but the dinghy ride over stayed dry. We met several couples that have trawlers and they all keep their boats at the Black Sound boat yard over the summer. Each had a story of a terrible Gulf Stream crossing to get here so now they keep the boat here and fly home for the off season -- chickens!

Hmmm I am contemplating doing something so I don't have to do the ICW again. I found that worse than the Gulf Stream. Just a thought right now.

Time to get back to enjoying the Bahamas.

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