Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Torture and Jubilation

Yesterday was a "Tortuous" travel day. We left Georgetown about one and half hours before low tide thinking the incoming high tide would catch up to us. It didn't. I wanted to leave early because of the prospect of thunderstorms in the afternoon. The timing was our undoing.

We had current against us ALL DAY. Strong current too. Our speed ranged between 4.8 and 5.2 kts with no respite. It took us from about 9am to 2:30pm to travel about 30 miles through the Waccamaw River. A beautiful place but couldn't really be enjoyed at such a SLOW pace.

We stopped at the Osprey MArina for fuel and water and tied up for the night. It was HOT with a high of 94 degrees. Boy the AC felt great.

This morning we left early about 6:45am to catch a few hours of the rising tide. It was Great.. We had a favorable -- very favorable current all the way to about 4 miles before Little River Inlet or about 30 miles. Once across the inlet the current was against us till we crossed Shalotte Inlet then we had it with us, again against us just before Lockwood Folly Inlet then with us to about Southport then against us again. Overall it was very favorable and we did 64 miles -- our longest run this trip in the ICW in about 8 and half hours .. had the anchor down in Pipeline Canal by 3:30pm.

Tomorrow a short 28 mile up to Wrightsville beach but can't leave until after 10:30am to catch a favorable current up the Cape Fear River. You do not want to fight that current.

Today the high was low 80s and tonight it is supposed to be in the mid 50s -- great sleeping weather.

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