Saturday, December 27, 2014

What happened to Guana Cay?

We anchored off Guana Cay yesterday and thought it was kind of funny that we were the only boats there. Later three other anchored but that was all. It was difficult to find the sandy spots to anchor but then it became obvious that there is little anchoring going on here now. We later found a good reason why. That new marina in Bakers Bay above us had a lot of of small boat but big wake traffic and it really made the anchorage uncomfortable.

Today we went to the settlement and what a disappointment. There were 3 boats in the Orchid Bay marina there and 2 on moorings. We went in around 10am and there was no foot traffic -- just an occasional golf cart. We went up to Nippers and the ocean beach and nada -- Nippers was open but no one there.

The shops in town were either closed today or permanently. That great cafe bakery was boarded up. Several other buildings were boarded up. It was just dead!! The old harbour grocery is in a new building but still quite small.

I can't believe the millions of dollars of development that went on here and especially around Bakers BAy but the ol Guana Cay business area is just dead now. Hell all these places to live now and no one here. How depressing.

We couldn't take it anymore so before lunch we packed up and headed to Treasure Cay just 2 hours away. It still was like the ol days -- at least the harbour -- but more condos than you can shake a stick at. What insanity.

The only grocery store is still the same but little traffic.. Where do these folks get their groceries or is there no influx of people to match all the new housing?

Unbelievable. The grocery prices are higher here but just under Green Turtle Cay prices. The liquor store is cheaper but that is all. It is quite quiet here in the mooring/anchorage field here tonight. Ohh Skat, Bubbles and us are all anchored tonight.

The beach here is one of the 10 best in the world and tomorrow we will invade it and maybe play some Bocci Ball.

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